Thursday, April 29, 2010

Book Reveiw

In the book A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, he explains many different debatable topics such as: black hole and space time. The first topic he goes over is the topic of space time. He says that time and space are not to be put together because they are completely independent. He also states that time is not a constant like we think rather it is dependent on the perspective of the view watch the act take place. The topic of black holes is also explained by Hawkings through the way they are found since they are not visible but detected through radio waves. Also the effects of there gravitational pull and how it affects our galaxy for example, “the extra gravitational attraction of such a large number of black holes could explain why our galaxy rotates at the rate it does” (Hawking 98). So the gravitational pull of black holes guides the way for our galaxy.

I really enjoyed reading this book because it directly related to my topic. It required me to think about some things such as time. I had to read some chapters and pages twice to fully grasp what he was trying to say. The book has a high comprehension level and requires some prior knowledge in math, science, and simple physics concepts. The ideas behind some of Hawkings rational is abstract.

The pictures that were in the book help me so much due to the fact that I am a visual person. I enjoyed the stories he would tell about how he thought about the laws he made. They were very interesting. He would never give up on a concept that he thought he had the answer too. But all in all I really enjoyed this book and took a lot away from it.

Hawkings, Stephen. A Brief History of Time. 10th Anniversary. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1998. Print

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. I've tried to read this book several times and had to put it down! The images do help!

