Friday, April 9, 2010

Theory of Relativity

In the article Anushka Asthana and David Smith debate the idea of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. In the theory Einstein states that you are any object of mass will create the space time area to sag he calls it the fabric theory. Einstein states “ the same way that a large ball placed on an elasticated cloth stretches the fabric and causes it to sag”. The idea is that time and space have to warp around a planet due to its density. This idea has been tested many times and it has never failed to stand correct.

The article helped to explain the idea of general relativity in a very comprehensive way. It was important for me to understand the theory due to the fact that it directly relates to the topic of a black hole. The article included a great summary at the end of the theory and the different parts this helped to read the summary then read the article its self that way you have a better understanding of the theory and the different parts.

Asthana, Anushka, and David Smith. "Einstein was right: space and time bend." Observer 5 April 2007 : n. pag. Web. 9 Apr 2010.

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