Thursday, April 1, 2010

Parts of a Black Hole

Stuart J. Robbins describes the different effects of the black holes and also the different parts of the black holes. The singularity is the very center. Then moving out there is a space between the inner event of horizon and the singularity where space is said to be normal. Then there is the inner event of horizon where the gravitational pull is extreme. There then is the outer event of horizon this is the point of no return in which not even the light can escape the gravitational pull. Since you are not able to get close to black holes and they are hard to see due to no light they find all the information about them through theory and math. For example they use the Doppler Effect to get accurate weights of black holes. Stuart J. Robinson explains the effect of what would happen to a human if they where to enter a black hole, “…you would be pulled apart because your feet (assuming they went feet first) would be far greater than the force on your head, and they you would be pulled as one pulls dough into a rope.” White holes are what is said to be on the other side of the black hole, Robbins disproves this theory by saying that the masses coming out of the white hole would be too much mass in to small of a space causing them collapse creating another black hole.
The fact that we are able to study these things without ever being able to actually get close to one is amazing. You cannot see them due to the fact that there is no light emitted in one so, the way they study them and find the different layers or sections of them is through math. They can measure the density of one through the Doppler Effect by seeing how fast the masses on the inside are spinning. The horrible thought of ever being trapped in one of this is just an extreme though. Maybe someday the questions surrounding them will be answered.

Robbins, Stuart. "Black Holes." N.p., 11 Jan 2006. Web. 1 Apr 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I'm assuming that this is your first post? Since it is late I will take off 10 points.

    Also, you are losing points on your about me because of the six typos!

    Also, I only saw one multimedia post so it will stay a zero
